Double degree programs

Double Degree

Double degree programmes enable students to obtain two degrees from two different universities by combining coursework that is recognized by both institutions.

In addition to our department-internal double degree programs, there is also the option of completing an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD). Both options offer unique benefits and valuable international experience.

More detailed information can be found below in the fold-out pages.

Double degree BME
time schedule

In June 2018, the KIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) intensified their long-standing cooperation by signing a contract for a further exchange program. In the new program, students from both institutions can acquire two Bachelor's degrees at once.



For details on the double bachelor's program, please contact the program representative.

Program representative: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Zwick

Double Degree Sofia
Specific course of study

MIT double bachelor between KIT and TU Sofia, Bulgaria

Project description

The double bachelor program in Mechatronics and Information Technology (MIT) is run jointly by the KIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and the Faculty for German Engineering and Business Administration Education (FDIBA) at the TU Sofia, which was founded in 1990. The FDIBA is the DAAD's largest and oldest German education project in Eastern Europe and is supervised by both the Bulgarian and the German side. In close cooperation with the KIT and other German partner universities, it offers joint curricula with the awarding of German-Bulgarian degrees. On the one hand, teaching in Bulgaria is mainly in German and in consultation with the German partners and is supported by the use of German guest lecturers. In addition, an active exchange of students has been integrated into the degree programs since 2019

Program schedule

This exchange program offers KIT and TU Sofia students the opportunity to obtain a double Bachelor's degree in mechatronics and information technology and is designed for 8 semesters (including the Bachelor's thesis). KIT students have the opportunity to have the additional 60 ECTS credits earned compared to the normal six-semester MIT curriculum recognized in the subsequent Master's program at KIT. A maximum of 20 students from KIT and TU Sofia can be accepted into the program each year; the application deadlines are January 15 for KIT students and June 15 for TU Sofia students.

The participating students each spend two semesters at the partner university and are enrolled at both partner institutions from the beginning of their stay abroad, which can be funded by the DAAD or Erasmus+, until the end of their studies.


Program representative: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kluwe

Do you want to fully immerse yourself in a foreign culture? On this programme, you will study in a group with your fellow French students at the Grande Ecole Phelma in Grenoble. In addition to excellent language skills, you will also gain two internationally recognized Master's degrees. You will spend three to four semesters of your entire Bachelor's/Master's degree course in Grenoble. You can find more information about this course here.

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) in Europhotonics is an international Master's degree course funded by the EU and specializing in photonics and optics. It is offered by a consortium of leading European universities, including institutions in France, Germany and Spain.

Main features:

  • International approach: students spend time at several partner universities and receive degrees from them.
  • Multidisciplinary: Topics include optics, laser technologies, imaging systems, biomedical applications and more.
  • Mobility: Students experience different cultural and academic environments.
  • Scholarships: Financial aid is available.

Career prospects:

Graduates work in research and development, medical technology, optical communication technologies, renewable energy and academic institutions.

This Master's program offers a comprehensive, practical education and excellent career opportunities in a promising field of technology.

Further information can be found here.