Master thesis procedure
Prerequisites for starting the Master's thesis:
ETIT SPO 2015:
- Professional internship (15 credit points)
- Successfully completed module examinations amounting to at least 60 credit points (specialization + interdisciplinary qualifications)
- Approved individual study plan
ETIT SPO 2018:
- Successfully completed module examinations worth at least 75 credit points (all basic modules)
- Approved individual study plan
- Find an institute where you would like to write a thesis and discuss the topic with them. For external theses (companies/other faculties), a professor from the ETIT faculty must sign a confirmation of supervision (Application for external master thesis)
- The institute creates the thesis in the campus portal, you will receive an automated email asking you to register for the thesis in the system.
- The examiner enters the award date and publishes the registration in the system, now the thesis is visible to you.
- The study program service checks whether the requirements have been met. If all requirements are met, you will receive an email that the thesis has been approved and you can start working on it.
- You prepare the thesis and give the presentation within the processing period of 6 months. The date of submission is entered in the campus portal.
- The examiner assesses the thesis, enters the grade in the campus portal and releases it. The study program service will publish the grade and it will be visible to you in the system.
Please note: The examiner has 8 weeks to grade the thesis. If the thesis was your last examination, you can request a so-called 4.0 certificate from the examiner so that a "minimum pass" is recorded. You can use this to generate a certificate of title, which you can use for job applications.
Recognition of external examinations
You will find the application form linked below.
- Important: Recognition must be applied for within the first semester after enrollment.
- Go to a study advisor and submit the application form together with the required documents (certificate, transcript of records).
- "In lieu of credits" (credits that you would like to have recognized for a KIT module) must be recognized by the person responsible for the module; these can be found in the module handbook.
- If there is equivalence with regard to the skills acquired, this will be confirmed by the subject examination.
- In order to have the module recognized by the examination committee submit the completed and signed application form together with the relevant supporting documents to the study program service.
- Note on examination achievements abroad: When recognizing examination achievements from a semester abroad, it is advisable to discuss the achievements to be recognized with the Student Advisory Service in advance.
Recognition of an internship
You have the option of having an internship or apprenticeship that you have already completed recognized as a professional internship in your studies.
First contact the Internship Office of the KIT Department of ETIT for the technical examination: praktikantenamt∂
Then send the application to the study program service:
bachelor-info∂ or master-info∂
This is only possible within the first semester after enrollment.
Proper Deregistration
If you finished your degree you have to deregister yourself properly at Studierendenservice (SLE).
Please fill out the formula “Application for Deregistration”
Deregistration usually comes into effect at the end of the semester and can be requested immediately for special reasons (§62 Landeshochschulgesetz).
Special reasons can be for example: employment, registration at another university, …
Deregistration at the end of the semester you finished your degree has the advantage, that you still have the status as a student and the associated health insurance.
The date of your last examination is the date of your degree, not the date of your deregistration.
You will be deregistered “ex officio” if you not re-register yourself for the upcoming semester. But please notice that in this case you won’t get your certificate and you can’t register at another german university.
If you want or have to leave Karlsruhe before your deregistration date, you have the option to send a representative with a written power of attorney.
For proper deregistration you need a stamp and signature from:
- KIT-Library
- Institute where the Bachelor/ Master thesis was prepared
- International Students Office (if you are a foreign student)
Obtaining stamps and signatures is possible digitally.
Please send the completed application for deregistration to Studierendenservice:
Please also note, that you must return your student ID card unless you have lost it (also at Studierendenservice).
We wish you all the best for your career!
How to submit an application?
The application should include:
- informal application in letter form (see template below)
- current grade transcript (with all passed and failed examinations)
- if necessary, a meaningful certificate or other evidence
Send us the signed application to the appropriate email address:
Bachelor: bachelor-info∂ Master: master-info∂
Head of Examination Committee | Study program |
Prof. Dr. Michael Heizmann | Bachelor ETIT and MEDT |
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cagri Ulusoy | Master ETIT |
Prof. Dr. Marcus Geimer | Bachelor and Master MIT |

Here you will find the 24 specializations.
Here you can find the current module handbooks.
Module Handbooks
Here you will find the examination dates for the current semester.
Examination Dates