Name | Title | Specialization |
Aghassi-Hagmann, Jasmin | Prof. Dr. | Electronic components and systems |
Arndt, Tabea | Prof. Dr. | Superconducting magnet technology |
Barth, Mike | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Automation technology |
Becker, Jürgen | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. | Embedded electronic systems |
De Carne, Giovanni | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Real-time systems in power engineering |
Doppelbauer, Martin | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Hybrid electric vehicles |
Eichhorn, Marc | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. | Optronics |
Heizmann, Michael | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Mechatronic measuring systems |
Hernández-Sosa, Gerardo | Prof. Dr. | Printed Electronic Materials and Systems |
Hiller, Marc | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Power electronic systems |
Hohmann, Sören | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Regulation and control technology |
Holzapfel, Bernhard | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. | Superconducting materials |
Jelonnek, John | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | High power pulse and microwave technology |
Kempf, Sebastian | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. | Micro- and nanoelectronic systems |
Koos, Christian | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Photonics and nanotechnology |
Krewer, Ulrike | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Electrochemical energy conversion and storage system technology |
Leibfried, Thomas | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Electric Power Systems |
Lemmer, Uli | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. | Optoelectronics |
Moreira, Alberto | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Remote sensing and radar systems |
Müller, Georg | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | High power pulse technology |
Nahm, Werner | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. | Optoelectronic systems |
Neumann , Cornelius | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. | Automotive and general lighting technology |
Noe, Mathias | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Superconductivity and cryogenics |
Paetzold, Ulrich W. | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. | Next Generation Photovoltaics |
Peric, Ivan | Prof. Dr. | Detector technology and ASIC design |
Powalla, Michael | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Thin-film photovoltaics |
Randel, Sebastian | Prof. Dr. | Photonic communication technology |
Richards, Bryce | Prof. Dr. | Nanophotonics for Energy |
Rost, Peter | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Methods of Communications Engineering |
Sax, Eric | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Electronic Systems Engineering and Management |
Schmalen, Laurent | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Communication systems |
Spadea, Maria Francesca | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Modeling and Simulation for Biomedical Engineering |
Stork, Wilhelm | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. | Microsystems technology and optics |
Ulusoy, Ahmet Cagri | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | High speed integrated circuits |
Wahls, Sander | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Industrial Information Technology |
Weber, Marc | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. | Process data processing and electronics |
Younis, Marwan | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Radar systems for space travel |
Zwick, Thomas | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. | Ultrahigh frequency technology and electronics |
Dr.-Ing. h.c. Jürgen Bortolazzi | (Systems Engineering for Automotive Electronics) |
Dr.-Ing. Bruno Burger | (Power Electronics Systems for Renewable Energies) |
Dr.-Ing. Hans Richard Doerfel | (Radiation protection with focus on measurement technology and dosimetry) |
Dr.-Ing. Peter Erdmann | (Broadband transmission systems) |
Dr.-Ing. Bernd Friedrichs | (Methods for channel coding) |
Dr.-Ing. Manfred Hugenschmidt | (Laser measurement technology) |
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Kaschke | (Optical methods in medical technology) |
Dr.-Ing. Helmut Klausing | (Innovation Management and Industrial Processes) |
Dr.-Ing. Dieter Krause | (Technology of Soft Magnetic Devices) |
Dr. med. Frank Dieter Maul | (Nuclear Medicine and Nuclear Medical Measurement Technology) |
Dr.-Ing. Michael Schäfer | (Equipment of the electrical power supply) |
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Schmerler | (Test of embedded systems2) |
Dr. W. Schröppel | (Network Control Technology) |
Dr. rer. nat. Günter Weimann | (Microstructure Technology) |
Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Weissmüller | (Power Engineering) |
Dr. rer. nat. habil. Michael Birkle | (Environmental Measurement Technology) |
Dr.-Ing. habil. Hans-Joachim Bluhm | (Pulse power technology) |
Dr.-Ing. Alexander Colsmann | (Organic Optoelectronics) |
Dr.-Ing. habil. Wolfgang Freude | (Lightwave Metrology) |
Dr. Francesco Grilli | (Superconductivity for Energy Applications) |
Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Knoll | (Electro-Optical Displays) |
Dr.-Ing. Theo Scherer | (Technology of Superconducting Circuits) |
Dr.-Ing. habil. Manfred Urban | (Radiation Protection) |
Dr.-Ing. Michael Braun | (Electrical Drives and Power Electronics) |
Dr. rer. nat. Olaf Dössel | (Biomedical Engineering) |
Dr. tech. Gerhard Grau | (High Frequency Technology and Quantum Electronics) |
Dr. rer. nat. Bernd Hoffmann | (Materials in Electrical Engineering) |
Dr.-Ing. Ellen Ivers-Tiffée | (Materials in Electrical Engineering) |
Dr. rer. nat. Friedrich Jondral | (Communications Engineering) |
Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Jutzi | (Electrotechnical Fundamentals of Computer Science and Digital Memory) |
Dr.-Ing. Uwe Kiencke | (Industrial Information Technology) |
Dr.-Ing. Volker Krebs | (Regulation and Control Systems) |
Dr.-Ing. Kristian Kroschel | (Communications Engineering) |
Dr.-Ing. Karsten Meyer-Waarden | (Biomedical Measurement Technology) |
Dr.-Ing. Manfred Neiger | (Electrooptics and Gas Discharges) |
Dr. rer. nat. Hanns-Peter Popp | (Light Engineering and Physical Electronics) |
Dr. rer. nat. Karl Reiß | (Theoretical Electrical Engineering) |
Dr.-Ing. h.c.mult. Adolf Schwab | (High Voltage Engineering and Electrical Systems) |
Dr. rer. nat. habil. Michael Siegel | (Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Quantum Sensors) |
Dr. rer. nat. Dr.h.c. mult. Manfred Thumm | (Microwave Measurement Technology) |
Dr.-Ing. habil. Gert F. Trommer | (Theoretical Electrical Engineering and System Optimization) |
Dr.-Ing. Dr.h.c. Dr.-Ing.E.h. Werner Wiesbeck | (High Frequency Technology and Electronics) |
Dr. rer. nat. Bastian Breustedt | (Radiation Protection) |
Dr.-Ing. Lambert E. Feher | (Industrial Microwave Technology) |
Dr.-Ing. Peter Flesch | (Optical Radiation Sources) |
Dr.-Ing. Jürgen von Hagen | (Applied Electromagnetic Field Theory) |
Dr.-Ing. Axel Loewe | (Biomedical Simulation and Modeling) |
Dr. rer. nat. Nicole Ruiter | (Medical Imaging Systems) |
Dr.-Ing. Martin Sack | (Electromagnetic Compatibility) |
Dr.-Ing. Frank Sachse | (Biomedical Engineering) |
Dr.-Ing. Oliver Sander | Heterogeneous real-time capable computer architectures and systems. |
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Scherer | (Technology of Superconducting Circuits) |
Dr.-Ing. Helmut Süß | (Microwave Radiometry) |
Dr.-Ing. André Weber | (Electrochemical energy conversion and storage systems) |