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Study program Mechatronics and Information Technology (MIT)
The departments of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering and Information Technology jointly offer the consecutive degree course in Mechatronics and Information Technology.
Tomorrow's innovations from the future-oriented sectors of electrical and mechanical engineering contain more and more functions. In the future, systems will increasingly consist of a complex multitude of networked mechanical, electrical and information technology subsystems. Their functionality will only emerge from the interaction of the subcomponents.
A technology-open and comprehensive approach is required in order to consider the complex systems - starting from the individual electrical, electronic, mechanical and information technology sub-components - and at the same time take the overall function into account.
Mechatronics and information technology engineers deal with the interaction of mechanical, electronic and information technology elements and modules on an interdisciplinary basis.
In the Bachelor's degree, basic knowledge is initially imparted and deepened through electives. In the consecutive Master's degree course, specialization takes place according to areas of specialization.